Food insecurity before the COVID-19 epidemic was a real and immediate crisis in our local community and worldwide. According to feeding America over 37 million people in the United States face hunger on a daily basis. Over 1 billion people are malnourished worldwide.
Here in the Tampa Bay area was feeding over 70,000 people even before the pandemic. Along with many other organizations efforts reach well over 100,000 people relying on food assistance here in the Tampa Bay area.
On behalf of SUKHI 222 I am grateful to be welcomed by the USF Food Sovereignty Group that is addressing food scarcity in the Tampa Bay area.
I am encouraged to know several departments are active in the coalition. The group has the attention of many NGOS that are also working to build sustainable food supply to those most in need.
SUKHI 222‘s approach looks at the basic needs of food, water and shelter for the individual to survive and puts them into useful finite quantities.
This is empowering to better understand the situation and direct actions necessary to relieve suffering and build resilient communities with no one left behind whether here in the US or anywhere humankind resides. is an international nonprofit that advocates for universal dignified access within civil society to a minimum of daily:

As a formula to help guide and coordinate a global movement of resulting in widespread support of local NGOs activities.
Accurate data and reliable algorithms are essential in making critical decisions that will avoid unintended consequences.
That is where the education system will play a large part. The formation of student clubs in Nepal, Ghana and Australia is in motion.
Because of the systemic nature of the problem we are inviting representatives from each department from Agriculture to Zoology to co-create candidate methodologies required to solve immediate needs and build a sustainable future where 222 for all is achieved.
I believe students that are involved in social and environmental sciences will be particularly attracted to participate.
SUKHI 222 is envisioned to become a global movement. We have been successful in establishing nonprofit affiliate chapters in Australia, Nepal, Ghana.
Our websites were built and are maintained by a volunteer in London.
We have carried out small water projects in Ghana and have provided food to a school in Nepal. My vision is that organizations and universities here in the Tampa Bay area participate in the movement.
I propose joint fundraising campaigns to benefit participating organizations.

SUKHI is an acronym meaning:
Sustainable, Unified, Kinetic, Holistic, Initiative.In Nepali it translates to:
“Happy, Peaceful and Prosperous.”